75mm Dust Collection System

75mm Dust Collection System


Greetings, from Newfoundland, Canada! Introducing Gossie's 75mm Dust Collection System!! This suite of STL files includes the following Dust Collection parts, all based upon the standardized 75mm platform: --1-- Blast Gate, wall-mounted, includes 4 parts. --2-- Pipes/Ducts (200mm, 300mm, 400mm lengths) --3-- Spacers/mounting hardware for 75mm pipes --4-- Coupler, F-F and M-M --5-- Floor Sweep, Corner-mounted Wall thicknesses tend to be 3mm in design, which has worked well for me in the past. All files were built in Sketchup. I use Orcaslicer to generate G-Code to my Neptune 4 MAX and Kobra Neo. Here are some of my preferred settings: Supports: No Skirt: No Rafters: no Brim: Mouse Ears, 10mm Layer Height 0.32mm First Layer 0.3mm Infill: 4-8% Gyroid Walls: 4 Top Shell: 3 Bottom Shell: 3 Material: Generic PLA Please take, eat, use, remix, whatever. I just wanna give back to the community that's given me so very much. I'll add to this as I build stuff for my own workshop, but otherwise enjoy! - Gossie





