Desktop or Hanging Sharpie Holder
Open Sharpie_Holder.scad in OpenSCAD or the Customizer app to modify these to almost whatever you need on a hanging Pen/Pencil?marker holder 2024 - This ia remix of technojunkie's (2017) remix of the sharpie holder created by Ritesh Khanna - (unable to locate this original) I renamed technojunkie's "name" field to "Raised Text" I added the ability to add screw holes to the "top" and to pad the top, bottom and sides (to help get multiple different holders the same height, for instance). I added some automatic (or manual) adjustments to correct issues which "could" occur when using large angles. Added a whole bunch of modifiers so you can hopefully get whatever you need from a pen holder (desk or wall). If you change the shape of the towers, remember to increase the diameter (since the other shapes fit inside of the ususal circle). I added the ability to move some elements (Text or pen holes). The chin size is controlled by the Font Size (set Font Size to 0 to remove chin and text). Use Vert_Stretch to override the default separation of towers if they overlap (or are too close). Values 1-5 work in most cases. Use Tower_Adjust to move the full set of towers (keep them attached to the base). Use Text_Adjust to move the text higher or lower than the default. Quick Tips I use -60 degrees for wall mounted pen holders. When using Vert-Stretch set your view so you are looking directly into the tubes and increase the Vert_Stretch until all tubes are separated (2.0 worked for me with the -60 degree angle)