BioShock Insect Swarm

BioShock Insect Swarm


[Video]( A hive-covered wrist from which you can launch a swarm of bees. Laugh as they hunt down hidden foes! Not screen accurate - just something structural enough to print with minimal supports. Of course, this is designed to hug my wrist specifically - feel free to scale and edit to your needs. Printed in flexible TPU. Not nearly stretchy enough to fit over the fist - so I simply cut along the short side, then laced through the many holes. I used a clear plastic 'bracelet thread' for my lacing, but anything would suffice. Maybe even TPU filament itself... This will string like crazy when printed in TPU - but I figured it wouldn't hurt the organic design much so I didn't bother to address it. A quick blowtorching cleans most of it up (be careful). Also - make sure this is not going to chafe you or cut circulation. Wearer beware! See the [bee]( and [plasmid bottle]( designs for more info on that.






