Kame: Robotic Spider arduino-nano

Kame: Robotic Spider arduino-nano


Kame: Robotic-Spider. This design is a remix of the original Kame: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1265766 I made this robot as a project, and the goal was to make him with more functions and capable to walk on himself. The end product has: • Headlights • Brake lights • Flashing lights • Buzzer/horn • Ultrasonic sensor (for measuring distance) I have written 3 codes, one for IR-Remote, one for walking by himself, and one for showing himself. On which pins to put the electronics for this tree modes you can find in the PDF file. For the IR-Remote code you need some library’s these you can also find together with the files. octosnake files have to go in the map librairy's on your computer, an the minikame files have to go in the same file map as the IR_Kame_Lars Parts Robot: Electric parts How many Mg90 s servo 8x Arduino nano 1x Arduino nano shield 1x Ultrasonic sensor 1x LED’s warm white 2x LED’s cold white 2x LED’s red 2x LED’s orange 2x Bearings F693ZZ 8x Battery holder (4x AA) 1x IR-sensor 1x Velcro band strips 20cm Bolts m3x30 12x Bolts m3x10 8x Nuts m3 20x Rings m3 32x AA battery 4x Buzzer 1x Switch 1x 3D printed parts How many Body 1x Cap body 1x Feet 4x Upper leg 4x Lower leg 4x Knee 4x (the feet, upper leg, lower leg and knee are uploaded as one file) Some important things to keep in mind: - The heads of the mg90s servo’s need to be glued to the printed parts, this is because without this the hole will be to big and the robot will not walk smooth. - There are a lot of parts that need to go on the robot, so you really have to look out that you don’t miss something cause else you need to start over again. - The LEDs, servo’s and ultrasonic sensor are very close to each other in the body, be sure to first put in the LEDs than the sensor and lastly the servo’s. - In the cap and the upper leg are holes for bolts. These bolts also need to be glued in place so they won’t come lose when building the feet. - In the back of the cap needs to be a switch, to switch the robot on and off. This hole you need to drill yourself. It is a 6mm hole On my Instagram account (3D_Lars) you can find the process of how I build the robot. (It is a highlighted map on my Instagram called “robot spider”) If you have any questions feel free to ask!! or DM me on instagram, hope you enjoy this project. 3D_Lars






