The Space Explorer

The Space Explorer


Hello, this is The New Space Explorer, a compatible companion to The Desk Pal. Same as its predecessor it is a simple figure inspired by toys like Lego Minifigures and others alike. The lore behind them is that they were designed by humanity as a mass produced robot soldier to fight a distant war in deep deep space. They were made with human proportions so that aliens can imagine what humans look like. Maybe I will be adding lore to this conflict by making weapons, other robots, ships, aliens and more. You will see the body is very geometric, modeled in Fusion 360. The idea would be to keep making upgrades, like different versions, extremities, heads, etcetera. I have been working in some of those as well. The space explorer, as well as The Desk Pal will make you company as you work or study, it can also be a display piece up on a shelf or anywhere really. I really hope you enjoy it.







Toys & Games