Tesla Cybertruck Kit Card

Tesla Cybertruck Kit Card


I am new to 3D Printing and trying to learn how to create my own models. I thought the MakerWorld kit card contest would give me a nice project to learn and practice. I decided to go with the Tesla Cybertruck for its unique look while still only having fairly basic shapes. It took a lot of trial and error to get to this point. I was initially trying to have it as a folding model but I gave up on that pretty quick, one day I'll probably try again. I have supplied the tyres as a separate card incase you want to print it in another colour or material. I printed the tyres using TPU. When printing the main Cybertruck card use an initial layer height of 0.1mm so the windscreen and side windows print correctly. If you try this let me know what you think and if there are any changes you would like to see.






