Solar Finder

Solar Finder


This is a simple pinhole solar finder I designed for my camera equipment and binoculars to make aquiring and centering the sun in my viewfinder easy. To use, simply afix the finder to your optical train or binoculars in such a away that it's facing the same direction as your optics, with the pinhole towards the sun. A small image of the sun will be projected onto the back of the finder. Move the optical train until the projection is in the center of the crosshairs. Your optics should now be pointed at the sun. The white projection "screen" is simply a piece of standard printer paper cut into an appropriately sized circle. Clearance for the bolts was created with a holepunch (see photos). Hardware: 6x M2x4x3.5mm Melt-in threaded inserts 6x M2x4 (minimum) bolts



