Zombicide White Death - Battlement Stairs
These are staircases for Zombicide White Death... ... I made it as an off-shoot when doing towers for Zombicide Wulfsburg (tiles (10R/V and 11R/V). As of today, White Death is not out, but it doesn't look like it will have 3D stairs to match it's lovely looking 3D battlement set... so I made some. The size may change - as the exact stair size marked on the White Death tiles in not known exactly... but at the moment, the stairs I made are 1 1/8 inches wide, 2 1/2 inches long, and 2 inches high. There are 2 variants : a Left and a Right facing stairs (as the reverse side of the sitars is smooth - to hopefully sit it in closer to the 3D battlements when they are released). Hope you like them, D.