WiFi Climate Sensor Enclosure for ESP-WROOM-32 and DHT22 - REMIX
This is a remix for my needs. Changes include: * Made it longer/deeper to accommodate pins mounted to the ESP32 development board and DHT22 while using short jumpers that came with my DHT22 sensors. This made it a bit bigger and you could have a more streamlined design like the original. However, I think having some space between the DHT22 and ESP32 is good so the board doesn't influence to temperature. * Reworked vents and cover latches to be printable without supports. I also added .2mm wide supports to the USB port. The cover should be printable by bridging these without additional supports and these can be easily cut out once printed. * Added mounting pegs for DHT22 and ESP-WROOM-32 board. You can either apply hot glue to the tops of these or melt with a soldering iron to hold the board down. * Thickened the baseplate and top cover a bit. Unfortunately, the side walls are still a bit thin IMO but too difficult to try to add some thickness. * Added a couple of screw mount tabs to the base. Mine is going in the attic so looks aren't super important. As thin as this thing is made, it is somewhat fragile. Double sided tape would work but probably only once. * FYI, I had to desolder the right angle header pins from the DHT22 and mount on the other side of the PCB in order to get it to mount flush in the cover. I used Tinkercad to hack this up so probably not the super cleanest work but trying to import and convert in something like Fusion360 would have been too much work. Links to the hardware I used: ESP-WROOM-32: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C7C2HQ7P?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details DHT22: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CPHQC9SF?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details