Canon R10 Telescope Adapter Lens
Downloaded a Canon DSLR telescope lens adapter here on Thingiverse and printed it. It didn't fit correctly and required significant sanding to get it attached - once attached, it did not lock into place like the first party lenses do. I think the lens they used as a model was for a different model of camera or something to that effect. I made this from scratch - it perfectly fits a Canon R10 DSLR. It likely fits other cameras as well, but I haven't tested it. This locks in place as you'd expect. The diameter of my telescope eyepiece fits this perfectly, but you may have to change it for yours. I printed it in black PLA with 15% infill and supports - it took about 1:45 on a Prusa Mk4. I set the portion that slides into the camera as the bottom when I printed to minimize material usage, but you could flip it if you wish.