Pokémon TCG Deck holder

Pokémon TCG Deck holder


I tried so many times and even downloaded a few of my own Card Holders for when I play Pokémon with my son but didn't find any i liked or didn't take up rolls of filament. I hate the mess on the table and cards everywhere when playing my son sooo… I give you not only my first deck holder design but my first ever design completely. This Deck holder is meant for sleaved cards as all your cards should be sleaved! Hope you like it. Active Card = Place your active card on the top and tools or energy in the shelves, please rotate -90 for minimal supports, this also has 3 dents for the health dials. There is also a slot on the right for the smaller Pokémon coins. Bench Card = Place Pokémon on top and energy in the slot provided, please print 5 of these and add 4 8mm magnets so bench connects together, please rotate -90 for minimal supports Deck Holder = please add 2 8mm magnets to attach Discard Dials = Print 3 of (yes i know the 3rd dial will always be zero as my 8yo pointed out straight away) even added some status tokens



