I created a basic box for transporting Warhammer 40k models that could be 3D printed, the box was designed to use the included movement trays to hold either 32mm or 25mm figures. Though you could ignore the movement trays and simply use it like a toy box if you have countless small figures to work with. there are 3 main components to the assembly of the box. The floor A+B The wall A+B The top A+B There parts are able to be put together and then pull apart as you wish, in the attached photos you can see that you are able to stack walls on top of each other or put floor pieces in between them depending on the height you need for your models. If you want to keep your box together permantly you can glue specific parts together, but ensure that you glue the proper pieces together so that you can take the box apart again so that you can get the figures out. Included are a basic version with flat walls and a brick wall version. The basic version contains all that is needed to assemble the box while the brick version has walls that have a bit of detail in them. There is also a version with holes in them so that you can add extra details yourself such as attaching small items from other prints or your warhammer game. Included are also wall extender pieces (see last photo) that allow you to extend the walls if you want to use them as terain instead without the floors of the box. This box was printed using a Flashforge Adventure 4 and Ender 3 printer PLA fillaments. The movement trays included fit both 25MM or 32MM figures. They have a basic version and a magnet version if you like magnetising your minis.