Tiny Evil Dwarfs Blunderbusses
YES! More tiny angry shorty guys for your tiny angry shorty army! This time i bring you some real firepower: Blunderbusses. Crude boomsticks filled with lead, stone, bolts, glass, metal shards, gummy bears, or wathever you can put inside the cannon to deliver hot, smoking pain to your enemy! I made them using a mix of Fabelezel´s free models and the "Zonk Chaos Dwarfs" uploaded by the Cult´s user Custephica. Saddly this last ones are scans, so the detail quality is clearly inferior, but a this small scale the difference is almost unnoticeable. However it could be a bit difficult painting them. Anyway, overall they look cool so enjoy them... if you can enjoy painting many, ugly, small hats.