"3D Printing Tools" Nameplate for Pegboard

"3D Printing Tools" Nameplate for Pegboard


We are using many pegboards and for better organization and to prevent confusion we are adding the nameplates on the pegboards. This design is Ikea Skadis compatible. The Lettering and the company logo is a separate print. You can print them with a different color filament or print it in same color and paint it as you wish. The lettering and the logo are very tight fits shouldn't need any glue. Dimensions: 200x70x4mm (depth excluding the hangers) Print Specs: Layer Height: 0.20 mm Filament: ESun PLA Printer: Prusa MK3S Supports: Organic supports everywhere when printing the nameplate Infill: %20 Gyroid Print Orientation: Place the hanger side up This is an open sourced project of ours and you can find the main project here: https://github.com/attaloslife/pegboardfamily/tree/main/ For all the files of this design you can check our GitHub: https://github.com/attaloslife/pegboardfamily/tree/main/Name%20Plates/3D%20Priting%20Tools Turntable Render Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ES4YCQyQdHI Timelapse Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1t2LUPkHls






