Crack Climbing Trainer hold

Crack Climbing Trainer hold


Crack climbing trainer! I had a climbing board on a wide backboard and thought it'd be perfect if only I could find a crack climbing hold - which I couldn't. So I designed my own! Printed with Fuzzy skin-modifier on the front, and variable infill. I chose 40% on the base, 60% on the support structure behind and 45% on the actual wall. You can make the wall less high if your hand is a bit thinner and smaller than mine. Print two in any colors you'd like and screw them into the wall (Follow a guide on how to install a backboard safely, do -not- screw these directly into the wall or they probably will fall out. Here's a guide on YouTube: The width of the of the gap between the two crack holds depend on what kind of crack climbing jam you'd like to train. Here's a guide I borrowed from the Godfathers of crack climbing, the Wideboyz: Setting: The Crack trainer has two halves which you’re able to set at your desired width. Below are recommended Wide Boyz widths. (The dimensions below are just for guidance and you should set the Crack Trainer to coincide with the dimensions of your own hand/arm/leg/…head?) 1 – 1.5 inch = thin hand size 1.5 – 2 inch = tight hand size 2 – 2.5 inch = hand size 2.5 – 3.5 inch = baggy and cupped hand size 3.5 – 4 inch = fist size 4 – 5 inch = stacked hand size (Thank you Wideboyz!)



