Top Truss Gantry Crane
For mostly resin printing. This is a top truss gantry crane, It is a work in progress, meaning that not all of the edges around the crane join up, if you wish to use this you will need to have a look around it first. I had been searching for one of these for a diorama i was building, instead all i found was a few pictures, so from them i made this, it does not have everything, no elevator, no engines, no motors, just the basic design which took some time.. i also left a little man on a set of the stairs, he is representative of a person who is 187cm tall. you can use him as the marker for your particular scale, right now he is around the 200 scale mark. I posted the file and the photo of the file, as Thingiverse is somehow lacking at present the ability to do this. So, grab the crane, put it on your build plate and put on your supports, and then go from there.. oh, and by the way, I saved these items as the basic build block.. what that means is that you can strip the apart bit by bit an rebuild it yourself..