Medium 16 Segment Display

Medium 16 Segment Display


This 16 Segment Display has 16 2x3x4 mm square LED's and no Decimal Point. I did allow tolerances for fitting, however depending on your Printer you may need to adjust the temp accordingly if parts fit two tight print them a bit cooler. it will make a huge difference. Base can be printed out with any color you like pore resin or epoxy in the back to make them water tight, indoor / outdoor. Segments were printed with translucent Red with Red LED's The Display is NOT PCB compliant. can be driven by 2 X 74HC595 shift registers per Digit. The PCB can be Daisy Chained to create larger display arrays Operating Voltage for the display is 5v. Parts: 2 x 74HC595 2 x 2 pin Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors 'A5E104M' 16 x 2x3x4 mm squar LED's 16 x 470ohm resistors 32 x Male Headder Pins Wrapping Wire was used for the connections 'AWG30'






