Nano as ICSP / UPDI cases
I build a lot of stuff using Arduinos, and especially with ATtiny MCUs. ATtinys require the use of an ICSP programmer (the older attiny series) or a UPDI programmer (the newer attiny series). Both programmers can be fashioned from a simple Arduino Nano, and "Arduino as ISP" is included in ATTinyCore ("jtag2updi" is included with MegaTinyCore). Guides for the electronics: [Arduino Nano as an ISP Programmer]( [DIY UPDI USB programmer which can be made with cheap hardware]( I modified [Cheap DIY UPDI USB programmer]( from [daumemo]( to allow multicolor printing and include an ICSP case with holes for the LEDs (although they aren't really necessary if you use a filament that isn't completely opaque). The files are intended to be used with the [z-hop multicolor method](