Bug a Salt Shred-er/Vigilante Magazine Reloading Tray
This takes the single disc salt reload helper and turns it into a tray that holds four such things, but also contains your salt mess and lets you reload more than one at a time. Print in whatever material you want, it's not picky! Per japhillips comments on his original thing, "Simply snap it onto the back of the pellet clip, fill with salt (I use a blend of 4:1 salt to cornstarch), and then add one drop of water to each chamber. Set it aside, let it dry, and then you are good to go." Except here you can just press the magazines down onto the tray tabs. I used straight salt, then a tiny medicine syringe from my puppy to carefully drop a 1 or 2 drops of water onto the salt. Let dry and rub off excess. Go kill some bugs!