Reciprocal Sphere

Reciprocal Sphere


This is made from 90 of the struts provided and will produce a 20cm diameter sphere when complete if using original scaling. 60 ''Greens'' and 30 ''Reds''. The design will become ever more stable the more pieces that are added and can be quite difficult to get started, but it is definitely worth it in the end! I made a small section, then hung it to the ceiling while one person held it still and secure, and the other places the pieces into place. There will be times that it doesn't look like it will work, and sometimes the piece just needs to be rotated or swapped for a different one. Eventually you will get the hang of when it is right and when it looks ''happy''! The designer has tweaked the design slightly since building, and has added small holes on the connection to line up the fittings and make it easier. I have found that when on the bottom these holes are filled due to elephants footing, but my hope was that someone could make it using a higher quality printer than my Ender 3, and so I could see it in even better quality! If you have any questions regarding the design or the assembly / printing, feel free to send me a DM on my reddit below. Thank you very much for taking the time to look and I hope you enjoy building :) I have made a post with more information on my Reddit:







3D Printing