easter egg
This is a simple model of an egg which can be used for easter decorations. The STL files in this model consist of a shell with a thickness of 0.44 mm, resulting in one wall being printed with a 0.4 mm nozzle. The exported eggs have a bottom thickness of 1.6 mm for improved bed adhesion during print. For even better adhesion i recommend to shift the egg down for 1 mm to have a flat surface on the print bed. this comes with the tradeoff of the lower side being flat. Since the eggs are hollow treats can be added while printing. For this a pause command can be added in the slicer settings at a specific height. I reccommend setting the height larger than the object that will be added, so the print head doesn't get stuck on the treats and rips the model from the plate. This might have happend to me more than once. The eggs can either be printed as is, with a one line thick shell or using vase mode / spiralize outer contour. The second will lead to a very even surface with the tradeoff of an unclosed top layer. For some cool visual effects on the outer shell, I sliced with "Fuzzy Skin" enabled on Cura. The attached scad file can be used to change the egg according to your wishes. It has parameters for various egg sizes, shell thickness and the bottom reinforcement.