Snapmaker Artisan dual filament sensor

Snapmaker Artisan dual filament sensor


It is a remix of Why to do such a thing when your Snapmaker Artisan already has built-in filament sensors? Because when use use OctoPrint then OctoPrint can't use original Snapmaker's sensors (god dammit) and you need to add external ones connecting them directly to OctoPi. My solutions allow you to monitor both filaments and get immediate email when filament is running out. You have enough time (about one meter of filament left) to go to machine and insert new filament just after the old one, without pausing, stopping or making any other distraction to printing process. It just works like it should, the only little flaw is that sometimes you can get not one but even three mails at once. You will also get email when you insert new filament into sensor. HARDWARE 1) Print all once except cover (x2) and body (x2). 2) Insert electronic into bodies and close covers. 3) Glue ball to one of the bodies (see photos). 4) Mount all to Artisan's enclosure using screw M3x20 (I had one original from Snapmaker, search your stuff). 5) Connect first sensor (e.g. the one with main material) to board pins. On Raspberry Pi it is PIN 1 (VCC), 9 (GND) and 7/GPIO4 (OUT). Of course you may use some other pins according to their function. 6) Connect second sensor (e.g. the one with support material) to board pins. On Raspberry Pi it is PIN 17 (VCC), 20 (GND) and 18/GPIO24 (OUT). Of course you may use some other pins according to their function. PLUGIN Remember that if you bought recommended sensor (YL-99) this sensor is normally open (it means: when filament is absent sensor is open). Which plugin to use? Author recommended but it doesn't support two sensors. Plugin also support only one sensor but is recommended for testing purposes (when you plug your sensors first time). It has "test" button which can assure you that you installed hardware as you should. After succesfully testing remove plugin and install (do not afraid that it is deprecated, it still works fine). I configured this by adding one output and two inputs: OUTPUT Output Type: Shell Script Label: Filament Change Alarm Script: /home/admin/sendEmail -q -f "" -t -u "3D printer: end of filament" -m "You need to change filament NOW." -s -o tls=no -o message-charset=utf-8 -xu -xp secretpassword You can get this script from INPUT1 Label: First Filament Sensor Input Type: GPIO Input Action Type: Output Control Input IO Number: 4 Input Pull Resistor: Input Pullup Event Trigger: Rise Controlled IO: Filament Change Alarm INPUT2 Label: Second Filament Sensor Input Type: GPIO Input Action Type: Output Control Input IO Number: 4 Input Pull Resistor: Input Pullup Event Trigger: Rise Controlled IO: Filament Change Alarm



