Courage the Cowardly Dog Bugle Monster
This is my wall hanging rendition of the Bugle Monster from Courage the Cowardly dog. The monster is a fetus head with a hammer arm on its right and an umbilical cord stretching from where a left arm should be to its head. In the brief clip it says, "You're not Perfect." For whatever reason, in my first design I confused "perfect" with "special". I think a fetus head saying "you're not special" is funnier than "you're not perfect", so I have both versions there for you to download as you see fit. The most diffiult paret of this print will be removign the supports from the unbilical cord, but As long as you print with an increased wall count you should be okay. I printed it with a Wall, Top, and Bottom count of 5 layers and and a line pattern infill of 25%. I used the Amolen Triple Color Shiny Red Yellow Blue filament which gave the print an etheral dark look that made the outlines shine but the majority of it absorb more color than you'd think it should. That filament gave it a much more creepy feel. Anyways, hope you enjoy and please follow me on X, Instagram, and Tiktok @printingwithyou for more free prints and updates.