BunkerKings CTRL Timer
A mount i created to hold a timer to the back of a CTRL loader for 10 man events. This is the timer i used https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01ADY36JY/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Not sure if theres others that will also fit but that is the one i bought and used. Installation: Youre going to disassemble the whole timer and remove the clip from the back. Keep the screw that you take out as you will be reusing it to mount the back plate to the mount. Screw the back piece to the mount with the screw you took off the clip Place the battery into the slot on the back plate Drop the front face on to the assembly and use the 4 screws to put it back on. If you ever have to replace the battery you'll need to take off the 4 screws and remove the front face to do so. To mount it to the CTRL hopper youre going to slide it over the top lid latch. It might be a little snug. Line up the slot and reinstall the top lid.