2 inch dual mini sub woofer box

2 inch dual mini sub woofer box


2" Speaker Mini Subwoofer box and lid, there are 2 versions of the main section. 1. The "2inch speaker mini dual sub woofer" has Corners cut out inside to fit the speakers I have. 2. The "2inch speaker dual sub woofer flat inset" is flat inside with a slightly bigger inset to fit most to in speakers ( how you mount the speakers is your choice) by either drilling holes for screws or [What I did] is to use gorilla double sided tape to hold the speaker in place around the metal edges. (Once you press it in to place with a little pressure for an hour... the tape holds GREAT!!!!!!! then for the Lid.. I started out with a basic printable lid... but wanted to show the detail so I went with a piece of smoked plexiglass.. I used strips of gorilla tape for the " caulking effect" to look more like a real clear top subwoofer box and no screws are needed once it sets. I then finished it by covering it with the Typical Subwoofer Carpet ( to go the extra mile) I made this to fit My RC Tonka Summit. made the subwoofer to be more scale. Using a iPod Nano 6 with a home built amplifier to the speakers. so I have music. The Tonka Summit ( Traxxas Summit Base with a 1980s Tonka bronco modded to fit) is 1/6-1/5 scale, with Full FPV and Autonomous driving. All driving is done from a drivers perspective camera. I have designed this to sit behind the front seats. I then decided to add EL-Lighting with a clear top ( to give it that extra realism) we have a forum if interested in RcGroups all about our FPV Tonka Summits and Mods https://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?1333642-FPV-Tonka-Summit







3D Printing