Red Sea ReefMat 500 Basket Double Floor

Red Sea ReefMat 500 Basket Double Floor


I am using Red Sea carbon in the basket under the ReefMat 500. If the bag with carbon utilises the full basket, this slows the flow of water so much that the ReefMat filter utilisation goes way too high, and filter roll is used in a couple of weeks tops! The double floor allows utilisation of ~40% of the basket volume to be used by carbon, and still pushes carbon up to the filter exhaust, thus forcing all the water to go through the carbon, and not to escape through the side holes. Yes, you could put some "noodles" under the bag and achieve similar results, but I just did not have any noodles handy when I figured out what is causing excessive use of the filter roll. Please make sure you are using the material that is both waterproof but also will not poison the fish! Most of PETG will be ok. Most of other mainstream materials not...






