Testors Paint Bottle Tray New Awesome!
Hello and thanks for visiting my project. I was looking for a nice simple but cool looking tray for all my Testors Paint bottles and although there are many out here and there, I wanted something different. And I thought, what if I made a cool new design, which the bottles fit perfectly in the trays, I wanted to be able to see the colors, not just the tops in a flat rack! So I started working on this one piece. At first I rounded off the ends on the sides as I did on all edges, but then I thought... What if I make it Modular! So I left the sides with square edges, added locking tabs on the bottom sides, and this way I can make multiple ones of these, lock them together, maybe add more different pieces! So I am now working on a corner piece for glues, paint brushes, pens, markers, X-Acto knifes etc.! Also a shorter center section that has 3 lower bottle holes and a soda can holder behind, got to have that Pepsi while building models!! LOL Other in the works too! I included a picture of the Corner Tray I'm working on attached to 2 of these straight trays, one on each side for you to see. Well I hope you guys like this one, my first piece on here, and give me some good comments and share! If you have ideas on pieces to add, please comment them so I can try and make more pieces to make this a super useful modular paint tray system!