Fractal Pyramid LED Base
Fractal Pyramid LED Base This LED project utilizes WLED to control the effects of the light. (See WLED instructions below, if necessary) Items Needed: - D1 Mini - 8x8 LED Matrix - Super glue/E6000 - Hot Glue I recommend printing the pyramid in vase mode with transparent filament for best results.(See link to original pyramid design for printing instructions) I also recommend printing the feet with TPU, if possible. Post-printing Instructions- - Glue the LED Matrix to the flat side of the platform. E6000 works well - Clip the 5V,GND,DOUT and center 5V,GRD wires off the LED Matrix, leaving just the 5V,GND,DIN. Clip the female connector off the wires and solder them directly to D1 mini Red-->5V White-->G Green-->D4 - Test that WLED and matrix are working before gluing into base - Glue the D1 mini to the base using hot glue. You can add hot glue over the electrical connections as well, to insulate them. - Glue the LED platform and feet to the base, using E6000 The pyramid can just rest on the base, it does not need to be glued. Great Job, now post a make because I'd love to see it :D *WLED Instructions* If you are not familiar with WLED, there are just a few simple steps to get up and running. - Plug D1 into PC via micro-usb (Cord must have data-transfer wire) - Go to (may not work in safari, Chrome works) - Click install and choose the correct serial port. If you don't know, unplug the D1 and plug it back in to see which port pops up. - after installation, you can opt to skip the WIFI setup settings. - Connect to the WLED-AP WIFI network that has been created (Password: wled1234) From here you can choose to create your own custom configuration and presets, or to get you started... you can just upload the backup files I have included, which will run through a playlist of presets upon startup (you can change the presets later to your liking- - To the Controls --> Config--> Security and Updates - Upload the provided configuration and preset backups respectively (FP_LED_ConfigurationBackup1) (FP_LED_PresetBackup1) Amazon Links: (you may find them cheaper on AliExpress)_ D1 mini: 8x8 LED Matrix: Fractal pyramid: The fractal pyramid i have included is just a rescaled version of Aeropic's remixed design. Give them both a like for their efforts- Original model by Ricktu- If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to comment I'm also in the works of a 170mm 16x16 LED pyramid base with sound-reactive capabilities. Stay tuned...