Floating rocks wall display V2

Floating rocks wall display V2


Please consider downloading from printables using the link below, this gives me free filament :D https://www.printables.com/model/846632-floating-rocks-wall-display-v2 Hey there, I updated my floating rock model thanks to the amazing community feedback I got here and on reddit :) List of changes; Made the chains thicker, especially the connecting half rings Added multi color support (model is split in different colors zones, the bases, the chain, the big rock and the top engravings) Added my norse inspired sculpt as a top display base instead of the flat one slightly increased the rock size (try to not put too much infill in the big rock, if possible I'm not sure how much weight it will hold, please report back if you printed it :) My guess would be lots of perimeters and a very low infill to keep the links strong but not fill the big rock with too much weight. Added nail insets for easier wall mounting






