Roxanne NUDE
PROPERTY OF XSEED GAMES, MARVELOUS USA, INC. USED WITHOUT PERMISSION. another oldie going back to 2022. printed hair is a modified version of Lisa's from Genshin Impact, but Roxanne's original hair is included in the BLEND. the right side of her glasses frame wasn't supported properly and separated. there is a bit of delamination on her raised shoulder also caused by poor support setup. STL and BLEND are set to 3xSS but i strongly recommend setting subsurf modifier to 4xSS before exporting to STL. issues i resolved after the print include: thickening eyelashes, raising ponytail elastic, connecting arms of glasses to frame in one piece without hinges. HOLLOW your STL in PrusaSlicer. i used 2.3/0.9/1.7 for the above print at.... i forgot to mention that the scale is off, maybe 2x if i recall correctly. ENJOY. i think i forgot to include her legs in the BLEND. i'll add an updated BLEND tomorrow.