Better Fitting Flat Stripe for 3D Printable Jet Engine by Catiav5ftw
This is a redesigned Flat_Stripe for the 3D Printable Jet Engine by Catiav5ftw that fits the Spinner_Cone better. The original Flat Stripe was a little bit to wide to easily fit into the Spinner Cone for me, and I noticed a lot of other photos of the model were missing it, so I assume they had the same difficulty as me. However, you can't just use your slicers scale setting to adjust the size properly. So I traced the silhouette in Solidworks and offset the original by 0.3 [mm]. This gives just enough room for the Flat Stripe to fit into the slot on the Spinner Cone with ease, without sacrificing the length of the stripe, or the curvature of the spiral. Please comment with any issues you have and I will attempt to address them.