generative gridfinity shelf (oscilloscope probe holder)

generative gridfinity shelf (oscilloscope probe holder)


This project started because i wanted to find a better way to store my oscilloscope probes. My original idea was to just hang them on the wall, but i noticed I'd also have to store the various accessories that came with them (ground clips that aren't currently used, extra colour coding rings, etc...). For this reason i designed a shelf that would hold gridfinity boxes on top while having multiple BNC connectors on the bottom. These are the connectors i used, you can probably find compatible ones elsewhere: You will need to clip the little solder pan a bit for them to fit. The brackets were generatively designed. They are mainly aesthetic because the supports are just resting on the wall and could slide down the wall under excessive load (I didn't want to drill more than 2 holes into the wall). The shelf will still hold up to any ammount of weight you can reasonably fit into 3*6 gridfinity boxes, but don't expect to be able to store your collection of tungsten cubes on there. I printed this with the grid facing down and only used supports on the buildplate, the brackets printed fine without supports. You may find the grid to be a bit flattened on the top. This is an intentional deviation from the original gridfinity design to help with build plate adhesion and doesn't pose a problem with compatibility.







