Orthodox Easter Egg Holder
Christ is Risen! Christos Anesti! Christos Voskrese! Easter Egg holder for Orthodox Pascha (Easter). The egg is a traditional symbol of the Paschal season. It symbolizes the tomb of Christ, when cracked open, reminds us of Christ's tomb being opened and the bond of death destroyed. Traditionally, the Easter eggs in Eastern Orthodox Christianity are red in color, symbolizing the blood of Christ which was shed on the rocks of Mount Golgotha below him. In Greek culture, everyone celebrating Pascha will take an egg and take turns trying to crack each others egg (both top and bottom). The winner is the one who's left without both sides cracked. Great for Orthodox Pascha or Easter celebrations by any Christian! This egg holder serves as a display holder for your egg while you sit at the Paschal dinner table waiting for the cracking to begin! Enjoy and Blessed Resurrection! Kali Anastasi!