90mm edf with square shroud

90mm edf with square shroud


This oddly specific part is the result of trying to optimize a smaller version of my other EDF designs for use in an R/C jet. Designed after my very successful 120mm design, this 90mm variant has a very high thrust-to-weight ratio and is meant to be firmly glued into a square foam-core fuselage. Intended for printing in light weight PLA, it has several ribs for rigidity, yet thin enough walls to keep weight down. The rotor needs to spin fast, so it should be printed in an transparent, unfilled material. Ideally made of Polycarbonate, the rotor still works to the mid power range if made out of PLA. Motor selection: more power = more thrust Use a brushless motor with a Kv rating in the 1300-1800 range, depending on your ideal running voltage and power requirements. I used a 1350kv motor on an 8s lipo, but make sure to use something ideal for your own setup. Rotor attachment: use a "collet prop adapter" to attach the rotor to your motor shaft. 5mm collets are a typical size and work well if screwed on tightly enough. An improperly tightened collet may cause the rotor to fly across the room! Thrust: yet to be measured - in progress 3D Printing: The square shroud is best printed in light weight PLA. (ex. eSUN PLA-LW) this basically makes this part out of a Styrofoam-like substance that is strong yet light. The rotor is best printed in PC or natural PLA. Square shroud (PLA-LW): 20%infill 0.8mm wall supports 50% flow 250C hotend 80C bed Rotor (PC): 100% infill 0.8mm wall no support use a brim 260C hotend 95C bed Notes: make sure to tighten collet prop adapter ALL the way or it might take off like a rocket! Do not print rotor out of any flimsy material or it may explode! Do not spin over 50,000 RPM or both your motor and rotor may explode! Exercise caution with such a thruster as it has the capability to cause serious injury.







R/C Vehicles