Case for Heltec ESP32 and 18650 Battery holder
This is a work in progress! Last update was: 4-25-24 I haven't yet printed this. A friend of mine wanted a pocket-able case for a Heltec ESP32 device with room to glue or screw in an 18650 battery holder. In the picture, the yellow block represents where the battery holder will go. The blue pieces are where you will need to use <3mm screws to fasten the board to the main body. The blocks near the hole at the top are to help protect the antenna mount from being bumped. The hole at the bottom is for plugging in a USB-C/ The main body and cover are held together with 6 hemispheres and sockets, and guided with small cylinders and grooves. If PLA is too stiff, try something more flexible when printing the cover. I'm going to try about 25% infill and 3 layer walls with a 0.4mm nozzle.