adxl345 Nozzle Mount

adxl345 Nozzle Mount


A simple 3d printer nozzle mount for a common ADXL345 Accelerometer board. FEATURES: - Very rigid mount for inexpensive/common ADXL345 boards - Compact design to fit inside various ducting - Minimal BOM using M2.5 hardware - Easy to print, (even if your printer is out of tune) - Quick to assemble, (no heat-set inserts) BOM: - 1pc M2.5 screw, 12mm - 1pc M2.5 Nut (semi-captive in print) - 4pc M2.5 screw, any head type, around 6mm (but 5-10mm lengths should work) TOOLS: - requires 2mm drill bit (to ream all holes for screws to self-tap into) - needs 2.5mm/3mm drill bit (to ream top of mount holes, to make them insert cleaner) TIPS/GOTCHAS: - Print using a rigid filament, (PLA is great, I used ASA) - Torx screws make life way easier for screws this size. - Print more than one to have on hand, the self-tapping of the screws make them disassemble poorly



