Avatar Dual Antenna Mount Quadmula Siren F3

Avatar Dual Antenna Mount Quadmula Siren F3


have Dual Antennas. The mount holds 15.1mm wide antenna with a stem tube of 30mm long. Only two support enforcers are needed where pictured above. You'll also need clean tpu print setting to achieve the proper clearances. If it doesn't slide in with little force, DO NOT FORCE IT. you need to adjust your settings or you will break your antenna. If you're having trouble feeding the u.FL connectors through. Tie a piece of thread or fishing line to the end of the wire to help feed it down the tube from the bottom end of the mount housing. Alternatively, you can melt the bottom tpu hole with a small hot piece of metal to accommodate your needs. To remove your antennas use a blunt stick from the bottom and push on the black antenna tube to slowly work it out. DO NOT PULL ON THE TOP BULB. Once you have the stem accessible from the top grab it with some needle nose pliers and pull the rest out







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