Customizable signet ring

Customizable signet ring


# Customizable signet ring Customize you signet ring with text Note: the hole for the finger is 20mm, so adjust the scale in your slicer accordingly see: ## UPDATE - v1 1st design ## customizable variables - `part`: default "all", part to generate: all, signetRing, signetRingText - `base_height`: a base between the top of the ring and bottom of the text - `border_size`: border thickness around the text - `text_height`: text height - `ring_text`: text on the top of the ring Font details - `font_size`: The generated text has an ascent (height above the baseline) of approximately the given value. - `font_type`: The name of the font that should be used - `font_style`: The font style that should be used: Regular, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic - `font_halign`: The horizontal alignment for the text: left, center, right - `font_valign`: The vertical alignment for the text: top, center, baseline, bottom - `font_spacing`: Factor to increase/decrease the character spacing. The default value of 1 results in the normal spacing for the font, giving a value greater than 1 causes the letters to be spaced further apart. - `font_direction`: Direction of the text flow. [ltr:left-to-right, rtl:right-to-left, ttb:top-to-bottom, btt:bottom-to-top] - `font_language`: The language of the text - `font_script`: The script of the text Animation - `animation_rotation` : default false rotating animation ## Sources here: licence GPL ## keywords jewelry, ring, signet_ring, customizable, customizer, openscad






