pinecil v2 stand (station)

pinecil v2 stand (station)


A simple pinecil v2 stand/station without much bells and whistles. For added snap effect you can superglue a 10mmx0.75mm button magnet that will engage with the bottom screw on the pinecil. - print with a 0.2 to 0.3 mm layer height, 3 to 4 walls/perimeters, and no infill. - when it reaches 7 to 10 mm, pause the print and gently glue about 4 2-inch steel washers sandwiched together with superglue to the bottom interior of the base of the stand. the hot (60C) buildplate will help cure it quickly as you resume the print. the weight of the washers adds to stability by counteracting the weight of any thick USB/power cords you may be using. - no supports needed, the steepest overhang is 55 degrees; just make sure you use full part cooling - print in PLA Plus. FreeCAD design is provided for convenience, but please note the no derivative and non commercial license. You can modify it to fit your needs but not to republish.






