Miata LED sign Logo USB c Wemos D1 mini WLED

Miata LED sign Logo USB c Wemos D1 mini WLED


3D printed Logo design of the classic MIATA Logo. The Logo is made out of two bottom pieces, which are glued together, one cover for the Wemos controller and three top pieces which make the diffusers. And several LED stripes at the inside. I used WS2812b, but you can also use standart 12V single colour RGB Stripes. You can fit a Wemos D1 mini ESP8266 Controller into the bottom to controll the LEDs. These Controllers are pretty cheap to get. I wanted to Power the Logo with USB-c, so I made an Adapter. The bottom pieces are made of black PETG and the diffusors should be printed with white PETG. But you can also print everything in PLA.



