Tiny RC TX
This is a design that incorporates the smallest RC transmitter electronics I could find from multiple brands into a single, maximally tiny transmitter. The main board is from a Jumper T Lite V1. This version requires a MOSFET mod in order to supply full power to the external module, but the MOSFET mod is smaller than the secondary board in the V2 that fixed the problem. Sourcing parts for this might not be the easiest, but [Here](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005003250475310.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.order_list_main.39.6c401802FQ7YLp) are the toggle switches I used. The momentary switch is a 10mm diameter pushbutton sourced from a brick and mortar vendor in Thailand, so good luck, I guess. I also used two small batteries, 300mah each,with dimensions that fit in the pockets on the back shell, 501340 size. The gimbals are Radiomaster pocket replacement gimbals. These are key because they're small AND, uniquely at the time of writing, have removable sticks, making them much less likely to get snagged or damaged when stuffed into a bag or pocket. The hall effect sensors on the gimbals are the wrong voltage for the Jumper T Lite board, but the hall effect sensors on the T Lite gimbals can be transferred over with a minimum of fuss, simply clipping some indexing pegs flush and using the original screws. The batteries need to be wired in parallel, and, for full power external modules, connected in parallel between the motherboard and the MOSFET mod leads on the external bay. The batteries are, in a very real way, far too small. They can't really supply the current for a full power external module and this whole system is meant to be powered primarily by an external USB source, like a power bank. This is to save the weight of redundant power storage on camping trips. Everything gets printed with support, but I've minimized the areas where it's necessary. The internal components are screwed in place with M2 screws threaded into the plastic. The shell halves are joined with M3 screws and 4mm OD M3 ID thermoset inserts.