Scroll Reader for QR Codes
A trinket I made for my kids to use while we travel to see different sights. The kids have phones and I want them to use it for learning about the places we visit before we get there. By providing curated content I can just toss this to them and say we are going here today, scan this and watch while I'm driving. Use the provided spreadsheet to change the descriptions in column B and hyperlinks in c (hidden). QR Codes will update automatically. Or at least they should. URL provided on how to recreate the formula if needed. Then make (1) Body, (4) handles, (2) rods, (4) #8 sheet metal panhead screws, (1) piece of plexiglass for the window. Scrolls longer than 78 rows may need bigger parts because you can only fit so much paper in there. Make sure all the parts rotate freely prior to final assembly. Pre wind the paper onto the two rods. Slide it all in carefully and attach the handles with screws. Now you have a QR code reader that's fun to use. PS My picture is of a slightly older version but looks the same on the outside minus the screws. Maybe I'll update it but I may forget so I here is at least the jist.