Mixer Pc volumes with LED - Deej

Mixer Pc volumes with LED - Deej


A redesign from Fed2828. 10k Ohm potentiometers have been added on the left side. Everything was assembled on an Arduino Mega mini, but an Arduino Pro Micro or Uno can also be used. But firstly check if it will fit in this base! An led backlight on WS2812 Eco LEDs has also been added. A total of 5 strips of 5 50x50 LEDs making a total of 25 LEDs. A button on the back is used to change the colour pattern displayed by the leds. Four modes have been added 1 - no leds 2- rainbow 3- meteorite 4- breathing Materials: -controller (arduino Uno, pro micro or mega mini (nano works only with 8 sliders)) -x5 faders 10k 75mmX9mm -x4 potentiometer 10k -x4 M4x12mm screws -1x push button 12mm (I used waterproof ones with LEDs) -USB cable Connecting - sliders to A0-A8 pins GND to GND VCC to VCC (5V) LED(din) to D6 pin push button to D2 and GND pin Of course you can change pinouts for your project editing code. If you don't know how to do it you can use chat gpt for it :D Deej github: https://github.com/omriharel/deej?tab=readme-ov-file I hope you will enjoy this project!







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