BetaFPV Pav20 Tranvel Case
This my own take on travel case for BetaFPV Pavo20 I tried make the case compact and make all the spaces useful: There are 3 versions of different height: <font size=5>Standard Version:</font> this version features a big battery storage space (6 pcs) under the quad, and 4 pcs on the mid section.(assume the batteries are 450mah) Parts to Print: Pavo20BaseStd Pav20Mid Pavo20CaseCapV2 Clips <font size=5>Slim Version:</font> Some how I feel the standard version is too big, so I modified it to this slim version, removed all the under quad battery space. Only 4 batteries can be stored. Parts to Print: Pavo20BaseSlim Pav20Mid Pavo20CaseCapV2 Clips <font size=5>FlippedSlimVersion:</font> After using both previous version, I feels the 2 later design is kind of annoying when I just want to open one layer. And the center of mass is pretty high casing the case to tip over when opened. So made a new version to have all the batteries on the bottom , and flipped the quad upside-down to save space. Parts to Print: Pavo20BaseSlim V2 Pavo20CaseCapV2 Clips <font size=5>OtherParts:</font> All the hinges and clips using M3 screws and nuts: M3x30 screw : 8 M3 lock nuts : 8