Differential for Chasis 1/10 Adaptable - DKS-Basic

Differential for Chasis 1/10 Adaptable - DKS-Basic


This is a remix from the Open RC Differential form tahustvedt to be used on the DukeDoks RC chasis https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2361718 https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4892947 All the pieces that you need to prin are here, you need a new: Shaft Weel Differential(replaces the gear) A new nut for the wheel You will need 3 more ball bearings, the same ones that you used on the front wheel, two for the wheel and one for the main gear of the Differential. For the small gears of the Differential, use a piece of filament, check the original Differential for guide (https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2361718) There are two nuts to print, one easy to print, that is the origial frrm the open rc diff, and one with the same pattern from dukedoks, but it will require suport to print. Appart from that, the only thing that needs support is the wheel, that should be printed with the gear on top. I also include a wheel to use bike inner tube, it has better grip than one made with TPU Just let me know if you have any doubts







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