Perfect Laser Kerf Tester Squares (minecraft inspired)
Sadly only tests one set of kerfs, but it has 2 sides for x and y each so it can give you a precise idea of your tolerances You may have to download the font if you want lol Change text in square to show your test settings, so you know what you printed and can refer to it as needed Do not print untill you have set up your laser perfectly (to test perfect kerf) Order of Operations: (What would've helped me)(I own a elegoo phecta 20w / 10w) -make sure the air assist tube and wires don't drag and are routed nicely -Generally square gantry -play with the motor that controls y (moves the big gantry) with your fingers and see if there is any play, if so, tighten the belts -Focus on material -Print general power and speed line test -Engrave an outlined square with zero kerf and measure between each vertex just to see the scaling issues aswell as angle -Calibrate x and y axis -Print another square measuring from the middle of the line -Calibrate again and start thinking about squaring the gantry better -Print and measure as needed -Without any kerf, cut a square and measure and ensure everything is very similar, this is your baseline for all accuracy -Divide the difference of what you wanted to cut vs what was actually cut by 2. This is your kerf now you can print squares and these little guys will give you an exact idea of what your material and printer can do