Bannerstone replica, drilled spearthrower weight

Bannerstone replica, drilled spearthrower weight


A generalized archaic period drilled bannerstone replica. I made it to simulate an actual artifact, hence it has been chipped around the hole, and has a couple of "plowmarks" on it. The scanner didn't pick up the hole with any accuracy, so I had to digitally clear the hole by subtracting a cylinder out of it. My test print turned out well. You could certainly sand and finish this to look fairly authentic. Similar pieces are common in collections, and resemble those in Webb's report on Indian Knoll. I am presenting these 3d models to everyone, free of charge. None of them were directly scanned from original (“real”) artifacts, but made off of copies which I have personally carved myself. Because of this, I own the rights to all of these; and I hereby give you free access to use them for whatever purposes you desire. If you do use these models or data derived from them in a publication, please thank me or provide a citation to this page; while the models are simple they represent a fair amount effort in research, carving, scanning, etc. Reference: Webb, William Snyder. (1946). Indian Knoll, site Oh 2, Ohio County, Kentucky.



