Pepper Spray Under Bottle Cage Bike Mount
I sometimes ride through sketchy areas by myself and wanted to carry some pepper spray. I picked some up but didn't want to carry it in my jersey and could not find any bike mounts I liked. So, I designed one in Fusion 360. I actually made 2, both are made for mounting under your bottle cages. I made one for the Seat Tube that is off set for the derailleur and one that fits great on the down tube. Print both of them in the orientation with supports. I used tree supports and masked out the mounting holes. you only really need supports for the on the floating part of the main body you do not need to use a brim on the Down Tube mount but you might want to on the Seat Tube mount. the pepper spray I used is the Saber one found on amazon. I have no idea if this mount will work with any others I printed this in regular PLA and it seems to be holding up great. I have some Carbon PLA I might print it in or maybe some Carbon PETG