Paracord Pull locking tip
This morning I was about to go online to A***** and buy something made of plastic, and after a cup of coffee I realized this was philosophically-evil. So I broke out Tinkercad and designed this clamping zipper pull for 550 paracord. It is not hinged, but it clamps using a screw-on cap for compression. The version I printed was made from the TPU I had loaded in my printer so it looks a little sketchy (I don't have direct feed on my Edner 3v2). I'll print one which is PLA that will look much cleaner and upload it ASAP. However: the flexibility of the TPU material is actually a big plus in the final use of the Thing. The inner cavity of the clamps has teeth to hold the paracord in place. The compression seems to be suitable for zipper-pull use. Don't tie knots in paracord. Use this for your zipper pulls. I'd be ecstatic to get feedback on this design to improve it. Enjoy!