Anet A8 Mainboard Cover with 30 MM Fan to the mosfets

Anet A8 Mainboard Cover with 30 MM Fan to the mosfets


This is a remixed Lee-R - Anet A8 Mainboard Cover with a 30MM Fan direct to the mosfets Remixed this because i blow up one of the mosfets (the hotend one) and that's because mosfets gets really hot, this is also to prevent temperature drops and failure resets from the system. soldered a new mosfet and used a 30mm because it was lying around and wired direct to the PSU. Anet boards use LR7843 mosfets for Hotend and Hotbed but i used a FR3303 mosfet, it works almost on the same ratio and V as the LR7843 and it's easier to find.



